Shana Ross Guilt, an elegy
Joanna Acevedo [Poem with a K-Hole and a $200 Bar Tab]
Dana Booher Pearls of June
Bobby Parrott I Say One Thing but Mean My Mother
Sharon Charde why
Hope Houston Love Letters from (Ok)Cupid
Ashley Preece Eating Plums
Jennifer R. Edwards Because darkness takes shape
Lauren Gray Ode to bones under the overpass
Brenda Miller Sacrum
Jacqueline Berger The Aesthetic of Rambling Inclusion
Laura Ruby Carcinoma, as Told by the Body
Alyssa Froehling Persephone Considering Cerberus and The Brass Ring
Lane Falcon Whatever the Cost
Kes Maro Three Tanka—notes on:
Konstantin Kulakov WHITEBOYJEEZUS
Mazzy Sleep February
Rachel Custer Magical Thinking
Mary Wlodarski Deconstructors
Lisa Ampleman Tenuous Blueprint
Lily Lauver Ghosting my Friends
Shlagha Borah rebellion (Ekphrastic Contest Winner)
Rebecca Faulkner Armistice (Ekphrastic Contest Runner Up)
Kimberly Gibson-Tran Survival Instinct
Adam McOmber A List of New Gods
Tomas Baiza Mexican Teeth
Joan Halperin Night Moves
Brad Buchanan Without the Power to Die: Following Emily Dickinson
Sophie Casarico When Josie Comes Home
Katie Machen Cheese Prophecy
Kailah Figueroa good things grow here
Fatima Abby Tall A Moment into Night
Jayson Carcione Crossings
Karen Regen-Tuero One By One
Eva Fitzsimons Dana
J Brooke Denny and Me
Visual Art
Piotr Szulkowski Boxing
Yari Ostovany The Third Script
Nzingah Oyo Sey
Dominique Elliott Nothing There is Lost